Published by RENEW International
Published by RENEW International
Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation The Joy of the Gospel (Evangelii Gaudium) calls for a joyful proclamation of the Gospel to the entire world. The songs on this playlist have been selected to help you explore the themes of the New Evangelization and what Pope Francis describes as “missionary discipleship.”
This playlist will help create a prayerful setting for each gathering of Be My Witness: Formation for the New Evangelization, produced by RENEW International. Created by OCP in partnership with RENEW, the playlist includes twenty-two songs that reflect themes of Be My Witness to enhance the prayer that begins each gathering.
Phase 1
- Gathering: “Anthem (We Are Called, We Are Chosen)”
- Presenting Be My Witness: “Go and Make a Difference”
- Forming a Leadership Community: “We Are the Body of Christ”
- Evangelization Matters: “Open My Eyes”
- What Matters? RENEW Parish Assessment: “Come with Me into the Fields”
- Sunday Matters: “Great Is the Power We Proclaim”
- Welcome Matters: “Gather the People”
- Belonging Matters: “One Bread, One Body”
- Witness Matters: “God Has Chosen Me”
- Mission Matters: “Go Out and Tell”
- Planning Matters: “Send Us Your Spirit”
Phase 2
- Forming the Parish Small-Groups Team: “Great Is the Power We Proclaim”
- Presenting Be My Witness: “Go and Make a Difference”
- Forming a Leadership Community: “We Are the Body of Christ”
- Evangelization Matters: “Open My Eyes”
- Witness Matters: “God Has Chosen Me”
- Sign-Up Weekend: Climb Up to Sign Up!: “Like a Shepherd”
“Come to the Water"
“Here I Am, Lord” - Selecting Small-Group Leaders and Invitation Ministers: “Great Is the Power We Proclaim”
- Facilitation Skills for Small-Group Leaders: “Glory and Praise to Our God”
Small-Group Faith-Sharing Sessions
- Session 1—Seeking Christ
“Open My Eyes” - Session 2—Encountering Christ
“Jesus, Come to Us” - Session 3—Come Holy Spirit
“Send Us Your Spirit” - Session 4—Engaging Our Gifts and Strengths for Christ
“Great Is the Power We Proclaim” - Session 5—The Power of Prayer
“Center of My Life” - Session 6—Rediscovering Joy
“Sing a New Song” - Session 7—Called to Witness
“God Has Chosen Me” - Session 8—Run the Risk
“Be Not Afraid” - Session 9—Witness Through Love
“As I Have Done for You” - Session 10—Making Others Feel Welcome
“Gather the People” - Session 11—Witnessing Through Social Action
“The Cry of the Poor” - Session 12—Going Forth as Missionary Disciples
“Go Out and Tell”
Track listing
Anthem (Conry) | As I Have Done for You (Schutte) | Be Not Afraid (Dufford) | Center of my Life (Inwood) | Come to the Water (Foley) | Come with Me into the Fields (Schutte) | Gather the People (Schutte) | Glory and Praise to Our God (Schutte) | Go Make a Difference (Angrisano) | Go Out and Tell (Fisher) | God Has Chosen Me (Farrell) | Great Is the Power We Proclaim (Walker) | Here I Am, Lord (Schutte) | Jesus, Come to Us (Haas) | Like a Shepherd (Dufford) | One Bread, One Body (Foley) | Open My Eyes (Manibusan) | Send Us Your Spirit (Schutte) | Servant Song (McGargill) | Sing a New Song (Schutte) | Somos el Cuerpo de Cristo/We Are the Body of Christ (Cortez) | The Cry of the Poor (Foley)